Wicca, also known as witchcraft, promotes ideals like "Don't lie," "Don't kill," and "Respect your elders," Sounds familiar, right? In fact, it sounds a lot like Christianity. The truth is, on the surface there's a lot about Wicca that seems to mesh with the Bible. It's a bewitching religion, and perhaps you or a friend has been enticed to dabble in the craft.
Now take a closer look...
Behind the promises of empowerment and the ability to control one's own destiny lies a spiritual peril. What the Deal With Wicca? explores the beliefs and practices of Wicca, presenting a Bible-based perspective on the spiritual roots of this centuries-old religion and laying bare the deception inherent in the promises made by its practitioners. If you're encountering Wicca among your peers, this is a must-read.
Get all the facts- and then decide for yourself.