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Updated NASB/NIV Prallel Bible (Hardcover)

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- Easy comparison of the leading thought-for-thought translation, the New International Version, with most literal word-for-word translation, the updated New American Standard Bible - Promotes understanding of the Bible’s original meaning and its precise wording and grammar

One Message. Two Ways of Saying It. The world's two foremost Bible translation approaches come together in the Updated NASB/NIV Parallel Bible.
This Bible does more than give you two highly respected Bible translations--it lets you access the strengths of the two most trusted translation approaches.
The word-for-word literal method of the updated New American Standard Bible (NASB) lets you see what the original authors of the Bible wrote.
The thought-for-thought approach of the New International Version (NIV) gives an accurate understanding of what they meant.
The Updated NASB/NIV Parallel Bible sets the two methods side-by-side for you to compare and contrast, allowing you to gain insight from the distinctive nuances of meaning of each translation.
The Updated NASB/NIV Parallel Bible features: - Updated NASB--the most literal word-for-word English translation available, updated to provide greater clarity of meaning.
Vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure have been carefully updated to improve readability. - NIV--Today's best-selling translation, offering a unique combination of scholarly accuracy and easy readability.
The thought-for-thought approach to translation allows today's reader to better understand and apply the intended meaning of the original Bible writers.
- NASB and NIV Concordances--help you find passages you're looking for and study key themes of Scripture.


***Bible cover may differ slightly from picture