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Authors: Adele A Calhoun

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele A Calhoun

ISBN: 9780830846054
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ISBN: 9780830846054
Publisher: Inter Varsity Press (Usa)

Publisher Comments:

Fasting. Solitude. Contemplative prayer. Lectio divina. Have you heard about these practices and wanted to try them? In this Formatio book, Adele Calhoun lists 55 spiritual disciplines ranging from classic (fasting) to contemporary (unplugging) with a section on how to begin the practice of each one, drawing you closer to our Lord.


"This discussion of spiritual practices that have defined Christians over the centuries certainly lives up to its name. Sixty-two spiritual disciplines or practices are explained, grouped in seven themes, including worship, prayer, sharing life with others, hearing God's word and listening to God's voice. Calhoun, a pastor of spiritual formation at Christ Church in Oak Brook, Ill., writes as one who has lovingly studied, appreciated and collected some of the most influential Christian spiritual material over many years. Her language and style are respectful to Christians from many traditions — Orthodox, Catholic, reformed and evangelical. Readers could dip into this handbook at any theme or practice and find enough prayer and reflection suggestions to keep them engaged in holy mystery for a long time. The practices range from personal and introspective, such as engaging in silence and solitude, to extroverted and service-oriented, as in stewardship and care of the earth. Calhoun also offers a multitude of options for companionship — spiritual direction, a mentor, accountability partners, prayer partners, spiritual friendship and small groups. This handbook is a treasure of 'tried and true' spiritual practices written well enough for everyone from the novice to the master to use." Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) (Copyright Reed Business Information, Inc.)