Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus takes readers on a fascinating journey, helping them discover how learning about the Jewish world of Jesus can enrich their own faith.
By exploring the land, culture, customs, prayers, and feasts, Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg help readers to perceive Jesus through the eyes and ears of first-century Jews.

Christians today have a growing fascination with the Jewish background of Christianity. Many people want to understand the land, the culture and the people so that they can experience in greater depth the richness of their own Christian faith. Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus takes readers on a fascinating tour into the heart of the first century, looking at the prayers, feasts, history, culture and customs that surrounded Jesus and those who followed him, offering inspirational insights that can transform one's faith.
Sidebars peppered throughout the text explain unfamiliar terms like Mishnah, Torah and Talmud, and chapters conclude with brief sections, entitled 'At the Feet of the Rabbi', designed to help readers apply these insights on Jesus' Jewishness to their own lives in ways that will both respect and enrich their Christian faith.