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Parenting Teens With Love And Logic by Foster W. Cline Jim Fay

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EXPANDED & REVISED As teenagers struggle toward independence and autonomy, some dicey issues emerge. That's where love-and-logic parenting comes in. Love means giving teens opportunities to be responsible and empowering them to make their own decisions. Logic means allowing them to live with the natural consequences of their mistakes -- and showing empathy for the pain, disappointment and frustration they'll experience. Includes 33 "pearls" that offer help with specific issues related to teens.


Cline and Fay know teenagers well, and the book is engaging. The parenting pearls in the last third of the book are worth the price of purchase. Read it carefully; the book is short on "bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord" and long on "do not exasperate your children." -- Daniel R. Vander Ark, Christian Home & School Magazine, March/April 1993