- Allows easy comparison of historic standard King James Version with contemporary New International Version. - Abridged NIV concordance. - Abridged KJV concordance.
One Message. Two Ways of Saying It. The all-time classic King James Version. Today's best-selling New International Version. Now they come together in the NIV/KJV Parallel Bible The NIV/KJV Parallel Bible does more than combine the poetic beauty and dignity of the King James Versions (KJV) with the readability and accuracy of the best-selling New International Version (NIV). It lets you access the strengths of the two most trusted translation approaches. The word-for-word literal method of the King James Version (KJV) lets you see the English equivalent of the words the original authors of the Bible used. The thought-for-thought approach of the New International Version (NIV) accurately communicates what they meant. The NIV/KJV Parallel Bible sets both methods side by side for you to compare and contrast, gaining insight from the distinctive nuances of each translation. It's an unbeatable format for Bible study. The NIV/KJV Parallel Bible features:
*NIV--Today's best-selling translation, offering a unique combination of scholarly accuracy and easy readability. The thought-for-thought approach to translation allows today's reader to better understand and apply the intended meaning of the original Bible writers. * KJV--The classic, word-for-word translation, beloved by Christians through the centuries for its dignity, poetic language and timeless truths. * NIV and KJV Concordances--Help you find passages you're looking for and study key themes of Scripture.