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Liturgy of the Hours (Set of 4) - Large Print in Leather by Catholic Book Comp

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Now in large type, the complete set of THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS in four volumes.

Special Features:

  • Large, 14 pt. Type -- designed especially to make this edition the most legible and readable
  • Bonded LEATHER covers with Flexible durable binding -- in four colors: Blue, Red, Brown and Green
  • Printed in Two Colors -- Black is used for prayers and red for rubrics to enable every reader to read each page with ease
  • Includes Quality Ribbon Markers -- are sufficient to keep track of all options on any given day, eliminating confusion
  • Handy prayer cards -- reproduce the MOST USED texts, thus eliminating much unnecessary page-turning
  • Gold-Stamped Spines
  • Gilded Page Edging


The Liturgy of the Hours or Divine Office has been commonly known as the breviary or priests' daily prayerbook.  Before the reform of Vatican II it was said by priests and religious but principally as a private prayer.  The liturgical reform of Vatican II has restored the Divine Office to its original purpose, the prayer of the entire Church.

Although bishops, priest, deacons, and religious have a certain obligation to pray the Office, the reform has attempted to make it accessible to others by a simplification of the structure which would give greater emphasis to the reading of the word of God and the praying of the psalms.  Since the communal nature of the Liturgy of the Hours has been emphasized again, wherever possible encouragement should be given at least to the celebration of Morning and Evening Prayer in public worship services.

The Priesthood of Christ in the Liturgy of the Hours

In the Holy Spirit Christ carries out through the Church "the work of man's redemption and God's perfect glorification," not only when the Eucharist is celebrated and the sacraments administered but also in other ways, and especially when the Liturgy of the Hours is celebrated.  In it Christ Himself is present, in the assembled community, in the proclamation of God's word, "in the prayer and sond of the Chruch."

Man's Sanctification

Man's sanctification is accomplished, and worship offered to God, in the Liturgy of the Hours in an exchange or dialogue between God and man in which "God speaks to His people . . . and His people reply to Him in song and prayer."

Those taking part in the Liturgy of the Hours have access to holiness of the richest kind through the life-giving word of God, to which it gives such great importance.  The readings are drawn from Sacred Scripture, God's words in the Psalms are sung in His presence, and the intercessions, prayers and hymns are steeped in the inspired language of Scripture.

Recommended for Religious and Laity

Sacred ministers, and all clerics (not otherwise bound to a common celebration) living in community or assembling together, should arrange to say at least some part of the Liturgy of the Hours in common, particularly Morning and Evening Prayer.

It is strongly recommended that religious of either sex as well as members of any institute of perfection, should gather together, by themselves or with the faithful, to celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours or part of it.

Gatherings of the laity -- for prayer, apostolic work or any other reason -- are encouraged to fulfill the Church's office by celebrating part of the Liturgy of the Hours.  The laity must learn, especially in liturgical actions, how to adore God the Father in spirity and in truth.

  • ISBN-13/Model: 9780899427102