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Authors: David Stern

Jewish New Testament Commentary by David Stern

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The Jewish New Testament Commentary deals with "Jewish issues" that confront readers of the New Testament --questions Jews have about Yeshua (Jesus), the New Testament and Christianity; questions Christians have about Judaism and the Jewish roots of their faith; and questions Messianic Jews have about being both Jewish and Messianic. It is a companion volume to the Jewish New Testament, Stern's translation from the original Greek into English in a way that brings out its essential Jewishness.

The author calls this a "consciousness-raising" commentary. The reader should come away understanding that the New Testament is a Jewish book--written by Jews, largely about Jews, and was meant for both Jews and Gentiles. Jews should know that the New Testament presents Yeshua from Natzeret (Nazareth) as the Son of David, Israel's long- awaited Messiah, essential for Jewish individual and corporate salvation. Christians should be certain that they are forever one with the Jewish people, and that the New Testament gives no ground for anti-semitism in any form.

Product Information
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 1000
Vendor: Messianic Jewish Publishers
Publication Date: 1992
Dimensions: 5.5 X 8.5 X 2 (inches)
ISBN: 9653590081
ISBN-13: 9789653590083
UPC: 9789653590083