Over the centuries millions of people have asked [these questions]. There's a simple answer for this, but not everyone is willing to accept it. We are here to enjoy God and do His will. [Most people] want to know what God is going to do for them, but they should be asking what God is going to do through them.
We are born, we live, and we die. We cannot do anything about being born or dying, but we can do a lot about how we live. Taking responsibility for how we live is a brave thing. It takes courage to accept life as it comes to us and it also takes courage to be determined to make the most we can out of it. Life is too short to waste it by always erring on the cautious side or playing it safe instead of pursuing all you can be.
It's time to take action and make your life count, working toward leaving a legacy when you're gone. Become someone who is fullying living in the present and getting the most from each day you can. Even the "bumps" in the road on life's journey have a purpose and you can learn to find value in them rather than dreading and despising them.
Take this journey with me. Let's learn together how we can be more passionate about the life God has given us. Let's be determined to fulfil our purpose.
-Joyce Meyer, from the Introduction
Other Books by Joyce Meyer:
If Not for the Grace of God Study Guide
How To Hear From God
How To Hear From God Study Guide
How To Hear From God Audiobook
How To Succeed At Being Yourself
Confident Woman, The
Managing Your Emotions
Battlefield of the Mind
Battlefield of the Mind for Kids
Battlefield of the Mind for Teens
Seven Things That Steal Your Joy
Seven Things That Steal Your Joy Audiobook
Knowing God Intimately
Look Great Feel Great
Root of Rejection, The
Everyday Life Bible, The
Woman To Woman
Power of Simple Prayer, The
Penny, The