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Authors: Billy Graham

How to Be Born Again (Twentieth Century Christian Classics by Billy Graham

ISBN: 9780340671221
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How is a person "born again?" Is is possible? Can life really be transformed? Is transformation real, and will it last? These and other questions are examined by Billy Graham in this practical look at how lives are made new in Christ. Divided into three parts - Man's Problem, God's Answer, Man's Response - HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN is the medium through which Billy Graham has sought 'to say everything that was necessary to help people who really want to know God'. About the Author: No one else in the religious world either carries the respect of international leaders or has the stature of the American evangelist Billy Graham. He has been the friend of presidents, he has been welcomed by heads of state throughout the world, and in Britain he has had the privilege on several occasions of preaching before the Queen. Reviews: ‘Billy Graham at his best...his strength is in his simplicity.’ Expository Times ‘Billy is a doorkeeper who has bidden many enter the Kingdom, and the simplicity of this book will introduce many more. It is really a primer of salvation and anyone who has heard him preach can relive the experience.’ Baptist Times.

ISBN: 9780340671221
Publisher: Hachette Livre Books