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Authors: Chuck Missler

Books of Thessalonians by Chuck Missler

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1 & 2 Thessalonians are the most important eschatological epistles in the New Testament. What is astonishing is that these two epistles remind their recipients of things which they were taught by Paul during the first few weeks that he was with them. Paul taught them all about the ‘end times’ during their initial indoctrination into the faith: the Rapture, the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming!

Now in one, self-contained CD-ROM which includes:

  • Over 10 hours of Verse-by-Verse audio teaching through the letters to the Thessalonians as MP3 files.
  • Extensive searchable study notes as PDF files.
  • A special message from Chuck Missler.
  • Listings of other MP3 resources.
  • Real® Player and Real® Juke Box.
    This program will play MP3 audio files.
  • Adobe Acrobat® Reader.
    This program will read the PDF notes.

I Thessalonians:


  • I Thessalonians 1 – An introduction to the earliest book of the New Testament, an amazing insight into what Paul taught these new Christians in their first three weeks. (Includes a review of the background from the Book of Acts.)
  • I Thessalonians 2 – The greatest missionary manual ever written.
  • I Thessalonians 3 – Practical examples and instructions about caring.
  • I Thessalonians 4 – Our Blessed Hope: The Rapture of the Church. (An issue of ecclesiology rather than eschatology alone.) The ultimate nonlinearity.
  • I Thessalonians 5 – A history of ‘rapture-mania.’ The Day of the Lord.

II Thessalonians


  • II Thessalonians 1 – ‘3rd Thessalonians’: Paul’s response to a forgery. ‘Pre-Tribulation,’ ‘Mid-Tribulation,’ and ‘Post-Tribulation’ views.
  • II Thessalonians 2 – the Day of the Lord – One of the most important prophetic chapters in the New Testament. The revelation of the Man of Sin and its prerequisite events. The Restrainer.
  • II Thessalonians 3 – (includes 2:13-17) – Exhortations: prayerfulness, preservation, protection, and patience.