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Authors: AW Tozer

Attributes of God, Volume 1: A Journey into the Father's Heart, with Study Guide by AW Tozer

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For A. W. Tozer,  no question is more important than, "What is God like?" The desire to know God consumed his entire life and ministry.

That's why those who read him come to know God more intimately.

Originally preached as sermons at Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, this first volume of The Attributes of God examines ten attributes of God. It also includes a study guide for an in-depth look at each attribute:

  • Infinite
  • Immense
  • Good
  • Just
  • Merciful
  • Gracious
  • Omnipresent
  • Immanent
  • Holy
  • Perfect

Steeped in Scripture and filled with the Spirit, Tozer preached with striking clarity and power. The sense of his sermons comes through on every page, bringing the Word of God to bear upon you.

"If a sermon can be compared to light, then A.W. Tozer released a laser beam from the pulpit, a beam that penetrated the heart."  Warren Wiersbe, former pastor of The Moody Church

A.W. TOZER began his lifelong pursuit of God at the age of seventeen after hearing a street preacher in Akron, Ohio. A self-taught theologian, Tozer was a pastor, writer and editor whose powerful use of words continues to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's reader. Among his best-loved books are the classics The Pursuit of God and The Attributes of God.