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Authors: Richard Rich

Animated Stories from the New Testament - Lazarus Lives by Richard Rich

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Teach Faith, Love, Resurrection and other positive character traits through the Nest Learning DVD Lazarus Lives!

Mortals’ greatest fear is death. Lazarus Lives gives assurance that Jesus has all power over death.  This is miraculously shown when the Master travels to meet Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary, after Lazarus has laid dead in the tomb for four days.  When Jesus comes to Bethany, He mourns Lazarus’ death and His friends witness the deep love He has for His friends.  Martha and Mary’s tears of sorrow are changed instantly to joy when their brother Lazarus’ life is restored and they understand the Savior’s promise of eternal life to all that believe in Jesus.

A great resource to use at home for familydevotions, in Sunday School any time of the year, during Vacation BibleSchool, or as a supplement to your homeschool curriculum.

Each Interactive Lazarus Lives DVD features:
    All features offered in English and Spanish 
    English and Spanish movie and subtitles and audio dialog 
    Have fun learning history and character with 3-Level Interactive Quiz 

Rated G